I've always had a soft spot for all things historical. I love history, but it's more than about the facts of who won what war and what kind of economical impact in had on the region kind of stuff. I love learning about the people of these time periods. Why did they chose to do the things they did?
In my fiction reading I am not ashamed to admit that I love a good historical romance. Dukes, Princes, lords, ladies, mere Misters and a governess or too. It allows me the escapism from a world that can be both depressing and terrorizing. For 400 pages (give or take a few) I can visit this world and live a life so very different from my own. :)
I'll admit that I have tried writing a historical romance as well with so mixed results. Recently though my best friend and co-writer Kate Lynd and I began discussing a new idea. Both of us were fascinated with the recent History Channel mini-series Hatfields and McCoys. We figured what if we set a fictionalized family feud in the post apocalyptic south? I was sold. I would get to write the past that was set in the future? That was all I needed to hear. And as easy as that my friends, was how our series Gunpowder and Lead was born.
I admit that the idea was a scary one for me. We had to create a world for our characters to live in. But there are some advantages to that as well. I don't have to worry about when electricity was invented, what was the political climate or most importantly how would my heroine dress? It's like when you are a kid and your dad tells you my house, my rules. Well this is my story and my rules! Please keep checking back to hear more about this series and my other trials and tribulations...